Madame Ducel(Mechin 1880)- Lactiflora, light pink double flowered blooms on dwarf plants with good foliage.  It is floriferous with stiff stems.  .…………………………………………………….   25.00

Mervyn Pees(Pees/Busse Gardens 1984)- Lactiflora of Japanese flower form.  Red guard petals with a center of curved yellow petaloids.  Very rare and rarely offered for sale.  ….. 35.00

Moonrise(Saunders 1949)- Hybrid, light creamy yellow petals, upon opening, which changes to an exquisite ivory white with a center of golden yellow stamens.   Extremely good breeder peony which has produced a lot of excellent seedlings- a number of which has been introduced.  For example- Cream Delight, Lemon Chiffon and Royal Rose. (albiflora X lobata) .………………..…………. 30.00

Orchid Annie(Klehm, R.G. 2003)- Lactiflora, light orchid-pink double blooms with orchid tipped stigmas.  Flowers are 6 ½ inches and have occasional red streaking.  There are 2-3 buds on each 28 inch stem.  Floriferous midseason bloomer with good foliage. ……………………………………….. SOLD OUT!

Petite Rubies(Klehm, R.G. 1998) Hybrid, Single with ruby red petals and a center of golden yellow stamens, cupped shaped flower, one bud per stem, very strong 24 inch stems, early season bloomer with bright green foliage, excellent garden peony. ………………………... 35.00

Pink Vanguard(Seidl /Hollingsworth 2005)- Hybrid semi-double, Light milky pink cupped blooms on strong stems.  Blooms early to early-midseason and is 40 inches.  Good breeder plant.  ………………………………………………….….. 30.00

Prince Charming(Glasscock-Falk 1955)- Hybrid of Japanese flower form.  Large dark red guard petals with a center of yellow staminodes edged with red.  Very tall early bloomer with green carpels tipped white. ………………………………..  30.00

Red Grace(Glasscock/Charles Klehm & Sons Nursery 1980)- Hybrid, early deep red double ball type blooms which are so tightly petaled- it is almost a complete globe.  Height is 32-36 inches. ……………………………………………………… 25.00

Rose Tinkerbell(Klehm unregistered)- Lactiflora, glowing magenta-rose semi-double blooms with a center of bright yellow stamens.  Height 24 inches. ……………………………………. 30.00

Madame Emile Lemoine(Lemoine 1899)- Lactiflora, Double white opens with crimson streaks on outer petals and a faint flush of tiny dots of pink, fading to creamy white, with crimson flakes on center petals. Free-blooming; strong stems and foliage. Before fading it develops an immense, crown-like center of many compact petals, mixed with stamens. Midseason Bloom. ………………………………… 30.00

Minnie Shaylor(Shaylor 1919)- Lactiflora, semi-double, blooms opens light pink/blush and quickly changes to pure white, with a center of golden yellow stamens and red tipped stigmas, midseason bloomer with strong 32-34 inch stems. Outstanding garden peony. ……… 25.00

Mothers Choice(Glasscock 1950)- Lactiflora, Large perfectly formed full double with pure white blooms, strong 30- 34 inch stems, midseason bloomer, Excellent cut flower, fragrant. I highly recommend this peony. …………………………..………………………..………. 30.00

Paladin(Saunders 1950)- Hybrid, Very glowing carmine-red single to semi-double blooms. The flowers have a tulip shaped bloom prior to fully opening- vary unique and attractive.  Height 18-20 inches (Albiflora x lobata)………………...30.00

Pastel Whisper(Klehm, R.G. 2007)- Up facing SINGLE, having double row of rounded guard petals of soft apricot pastel with sharply edged, delicate, deep rose flares. One bloom per stem, slight fragrance. Stigmas red, normal shaped. Stamens and pollen. Broad pointed green foliage. Upright growth habit does not require mechanical support, 26 inches at maturity. Blooms very early. ……45.00

Pastelorama(Seidl/Bremer 2013)- Hybrid,  Very large dusty pink double flower which is carried one to a stem on sturdy 36 inch stems which don’t require support.  It has green carpels and pink stigmas.  Blooms early midseason and the growth rate is moderate.  Parentage: Salmon Dream X Roger Anderson seedling AT-84-16   ………………….( Very Limited)………… SOLD OUT!!!

Philippe Rivoire(Riviere 1911)- Lactiflora, Vary dark crimson double with a blackish sheen.  It’s floriferous with good foliage and wiry 24-30 inch stems.  It has a light rose fragrance. ………………………………………………………………….……. 25.00

Pixie Ruby(Klehm, R.G. 2009)- Hybrid, Single with a double row of guard petals on red flowers borne one to a stem, up facing, 4½-5 inches wide, with a cupped form. No fragrance. Stigmas are white to blush. Stamens are rose colored at base, blush towards the tip, but anthers apparently devoid of pollen. No seeds. Blooms Early/Mid season. Excellent short (to 17 inches) garden peony with narrow pointed leaflets, nice clean foliage and upright growth habit well able to withstand rain. …………35.00

Port  Royal (Krekler/Klehm, R.G. 1996)- Lactiflora with an anemone flower form.  Very dark red guard petals with a center of similar colored petaloids.     Midseason bloomer with good stem strength.  Height is 30 inches.  ……………… Very unique flower color..…….. 25.00

p. smouthii(France 1845)- Hybrid single, Bright red guard petals with a center of golden yellow stamens.  Very early bloomer which is 36 inches tall and has finely cut foliage.  ……….……… 25.00

Rose Treasure(Krekler/Klehm 2007)- Hybrid, Up facing cupped shaped semi double flowers with deep reddish rose petals, having wide whitish stripes on the undersides. One bloom per stem, no fragrance. Stigmas soft pink, normal shaped. Stamens and pollen. Broad pointed green foliage. Upright growth habit does not require mechanical support. Height is 26 inches at maturity. Blooms early season. …………………………………………………………………………. 40.00

Royal Tot(Krekler/Klehm 1985)- Hybrid, single flower form, frilled- orchid/cerise colored petals with a center of yellow stamens, 16 inch bush height and 19 inch bloom height.  Extra early floriferous bloomer with one bud per stem.  Medium green colored foliage.  Fragrant.  (Rock Garden Type Peony)………………………. 30.00

Marshmallow Tart(Klehm, R.G. 1985)- Lactiflora, Pure white bomb-double marshmallow puffball-like blooms, good guard petals that hold the flowers center which has a yellow inner glow infusing from it, Strong 22-24 inch stems, midseason, no stamens, no pollen, no seeds (Bowl of Cream bred seedling- (F3) .……. 30.00

Minuet(Franklin 1931)- Lactiflora, Very large full light pink rose type double, regular form, stiff 40 inch stems, strong grower and sure bloomer with foliage to the ground.  Excellent cut flower. ……………………………… 25.00

Myron Branson(Krekler 1965)- Lactiflora of Japanese flower form. Very dark red guard petals with a center of inch and a half long narrow-bottomed petaloids which open a light pinkish, with pointed fourth-inch wide creamy tops which slowly fade to nearly white and their ends twist a bit. ……………………… SOLD OUT!

Pale Moon Rising(Laning/Klehm, R.G. 2007)- Hybrid, Up facing single, having two to three rows of rounded guard petals, slightly frilled, of a pure soft yellow color. One bloom per stem, no fragrance. Has stamens and pollen. Broad pointed luxuriant foliage. Upright growth habit does not require mechanical support. To 26 inches at maturity. Blooms in early season. …………………………………………………………..……….. 40.00

Pastel Sunrise(Klehm, R.G. 1995)- Lactiflora, Japanese flower form, Pastel pink guard petals with a full center of soft pastel yellow petaloids, Excellent healthy dark green foliage, Fragrant ……………………………………………………………….……..30.00

Pink Tea Cup(Hollingsworth, D. 2001)- Hybrid single, Deep creamy pink guard petals with a center of golden yellow stamens.  It has one bud per stem and a good amount of bloom.  It’s an early bloomer with strong 15-18 inch stems.  Parentage: Laddie X Moorise  ……………..  30.00

Prairie Afire(Brand 1932)- Lactiflora, Japanese flower form, Deep pink guard petals with a center of narrow brilliant fiery red petaloids.  When the flower is cut in bud and developed inside, the result is simply marvelous.  Good cut flower.  Fragrant midseason bloomer. …………………………. 25.00

Red Carpet(Wild & Sons 1965)- Lactiflora, deep rich velvety red double blooms that do not fade.  Good stems and foliage with many side buds.  Midseason bloomer.  ……………………… SOLD OUT!

Rosabel(Sass 1937)- Lactiflora, Large well formed rose red double blooms on strong stems.  Floriferous midseason bloomer. ……………………………………………………….…………….  25.00

MaryKate(Klehm, R.G. 2005)- Hybrid, Single flowers, one per stem. Soft delicate pink blossoms with soft salmon undertones have rounded petals and a cupped form. Upright growth habit, good plant structure, 24 inches tall, no mechanical support needed. Named for Roy’s granddaughter, MaryKate. ……………….(Very rare, never offered for sale, only a few divisions available!)………………………………………………..…… 60.00

Mons Martin Cahuzac(Dessert 1899)- Lactiflora, Maroon-crimson full double blooms with a blackish sheen, often said to be tone of the darkest peonies, looms tend to be somewhat variable & sometimes have yellow stamens showing, early midseason bloomer, no fragrance ……………………………………………………25.00

Over Easy(Krekler/Klehm 2007)- Lactiflora, Japanese/Anemone flower form, Pure white guard petals with a center of large wide yellow petaloids and red stigmas.  Four blooms per 30 inch stem.   Blooms in mid to mid-late season.  Slight fragrance. ..…………………………..…………. 25.00

Peach Strudel(Klehm R.G. 2003)- Lactiflora, Japanese flower form, double row of medium pink guard petals with a center of dark yellow petaloids & pink tipped stigmas, midseason bloomer with strong 28 inch stems ……. 30.00

Pink Tinkerbelle(Krekler/Klehm 2003)- Lactiflora, Salmon pink double blooms that show some cream colored petalloides and are somewhat flat in form.  Flower petals have good substance and blooms are 5 inches wide.  Midseason bloomer with good stem strength and one bud per stem.   Height 22 inches.  Slight fragrance. ………………………………………. 25.00

Prairie Moon(Fay 1959) Hybrid single to semi-double, pale yellow guard petals with a center of yellow stamens and white carpels.  Blooms are carried on strong upright stems about 26-30 inches tall with no side buds.  Parentage: Laura Magnuson X Archangel ………………………….  35.00

Red Charm(Glasscock 1944)- Hybrid, Sensational early bomb double with rich deep red blooms on tall stiff 32-36 inch stems.  APS Gold medal winner!!!  Parentage: lactiflora X officinalis ………… 30.00

Rose Marie Lins(Lins 1958)- Lactiflora, rose type double blooms with some red markings.  Late season bloomer with tall stems (ONLY A FEW DIVISIONS FOR SALE!) ……………………………………….………..…………………. 50.00

Ruby Slippers(Klehm R.G. 2000)- Hybrid, Deep ruby rose single to semi double flowers. One bud per stem. 5″ wide blossom is composed of three rows of guard petals, good substance and fragrant. Stem is of good strength, 24″ height, early bloom compact bushes. ………………… 50.00